
Showing posts from February, 2020

What Are You Doing to Stay Physically And Mentally Healthy These Days?

I think it is fair to say that most of us are feeling a bit unsettled about the uncertainties brought up by the COVID-19, the work from home arrangements and how everything is just very different than our typical routine. With all these changes, I wonder what are you doing to stay physically and mentally healthy during these times? Here are my top 5 tips that I hope can help you, just as they are helping me! (1) Make the most of it: Whereas it is inconvenient to be homebound, to wear a mask when going out and to have your typical daily routine interrupted, it is also an opportunity to appreciate what we have and to make the best out of it. I’ve been feeling really grateful for my home, the medical care we have in Hong Kong and the family bonding time that this virus is giving my family. Don’t get me wrong, having a husband and two teenagers home most of the day drives me crazy at times! But on the positive side, having everyone home has created a lot of great moments...

Does Unconscious Bias Training Create a Better Workplace?

In order to answer this question, we must first understand what unconscious bias is, then look at the content and format of such unconscious bias training to see the possible impact. It is crucial to look at how unconscious and conscious biases, diversity and inclusion programs affect the workplace.  Can they help embrace diversity and promote true inclusion?! If done well, we believe they can. What is Unconscious Bias? As the words suggest, unconscious bias refers to a bias that we are unaware of, which happens outside of our control. It is a bias that happens automatically and is triggered by our brain making quick judgments and assessments of people and situations, based on our background, including our cultural environment, our values, and personal experiences. When we hear the words “Unconscious Bias,” many people still tend to have a negative reaction and think of it as something bad that “others have” but “not me”. However, it is important to understand the con...

Why is it Essential to Have a Business or Professional Coach in Hong Kong These Days?

With the ushering of a new year, much emphasis is placed on setting new goals and challenging oneself to be better in one way or another. The  “New Year-New Me,”  is a widespread resolution posted on various social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. People tend to discuss the changes, challenges or goals they want to see or acco mplish as the new year begins. Similarly, corporations and businesses are gearing up to face new challenges that the year brings in a complex political and economic environment. So if you want a fresh start, to be better equipped to deal with new challenges or simply want to do better where you are; you may want to consider doing coaching in Hong Kong.  Several studies have been done about the needed skills in the workplace this year. Entitled “2020 Workplace Trends Report”,  Udemy , an online learning platform, lists ten skills that employees and employers should improve on. At the top of this list of skills is...